Monday, May 23, 2011

Proofreading / Editing Services

We have a new site! Please visit us

Really need that A? 

Not sure if your paper makes sense?

Simply don't have time to proofread?

Then look no further! I offer simple, cheap, and professional proofreading and editing
services for any and all documents, from Doctoral Theses to Undergrad papers!

I have many years of experience proofreading and editing documents in English,
and specialize in checking the work of non-native speakers. Having lived in several countries including Japan, Finland and Canada (Quebec) I have an astute familiarity with the common grammatical errors made by non native speakers. I have corrected many papers from short Film Studies essays to long Post-Doctoral Theses in applied linguistics!

The best part is. . . . the fee for the service is absolutely up to you!

I accept any price you wish to pay for my services, because I simply love proofreading!

It's fast, reliable, and easy!

If you don't know what to give, here is a guideline (about 1¢ per word):

Pages                                  Words                             Average $$
1                                          ~400                                   $3 - 6
2                                          ~800                                   $7 - 10
3                                          ~1200                                 $11 - 14
4                                          ~1500                                 $14 - 18

. . . and so on!

Just click the DONATE button in the top right corner ===================^^

I accept payment either up front, or upon successful completion of proofreading and editing, which ever suits your budget!

Feel free to contact me for my cheap proofreading services at:

George Smith



Good luck with your work, and remember to visit our new site at!


  1. After looking for good references, conducting a research, and writing a research report, it is really not possible to do the proofreading yourself; the fatigue is just too much. Hence, professional dissertation proofreading is much required.

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  2. Site looks good and it could be very helpful in proofreading paragraphs or a whole book but I think if you are a professional writer or a novelist then you must go for some professional proofreading service to get all the mistakes and errors fixed before publishing the book or novel.

  3. Online proofreading is a new trend on internet society but cheap proofreading is not help us in a better way because they have lots of mistakes and these mistakes are harmful for the person who want to do proofreading of his books.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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